Get matched with the right therapist for you!

We're Canada’s leading women’s online therapy practice, offering exceptional counselling and mental healthcare. Our therapists support you in navigating all of life’s challenges.

Start Quiz

Which province are you in?


How old are you?

25 years
10 years old 80 years old
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What kind of therapy are you interested in?*

Most adults select individual therapy unless you're a current college or university student or adolescent between ages 12 and 17.

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What challenges would you like to explore in therapy?

Select as many as apply to you.

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When is your preferred time for appointments?

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Do you have healthcare benefits?

This helps us match you with a therapist with the proper credentials to be accepted by your benefits plan.

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How can we get in touch?

A member of our Care Team will follow-up with you ASAP. If you would like to connect with someone right away, please call us at 604.398.3379 to find out who your match is.
