Fill your bucket with therapy on your terms

Dear Eliza Model

Your counseling journey is unique and may progress in any order to achieve your goals.

The elements of the Dear Eliza therapy model form a web, aiming for resilience, balance, and emotional well-being at the center of your progress. This schematic illustrates the holistic nature of the counseling process.

You know you need help with something, but what? Collaborate with your counselor to assess what's working and what isn't in your life. Define clear goals tailored to your needs; remember, you're the expert on your life.

Laying the groundwork

Knowing yourself

Replenishing Your Bucket

Shifting your mind

Doing Differently

Staying the Course

Laying the Groundwork

You know you need help with something, but what? Collaborate with your counselor to assess what's working and what isn't in your life. Define clear goals tailored to your needs; remember, you're the expert on your life.

Knowing Yourself

Cultivate self-awareness with your counselor's guidance. Understand your emotional, mental, and environmental needs. Identify areas that need attention, whether it's emptying, filling, or mending your 'buckets.'"

Replenishing Your Bucket

Opening your eyes to yourself and your life is hard. Your counsellor will help you tune into yourself so you can recognize when your emotional bucket is full. You’ll learn how your buckets came to be so full, keeping a focus on your present, past, and future through a lens of self-respect, kindness, and understanding.

Shifting Your Mind

Our thoughts play an incredible role in how we experience our life, and how we can change it. Reevaluate your thoughts about yourself and your life under your counselor's guidance. You’ll recognize the messages you’ve received about yourself that no longer fit, and expand your understanding of who you are and what you need.

Doing Differently

With your counsellor as your guide, you’ll continue your growth through behavioral changes that are necessary to keep your buckets balanced and fresh. You’ll experiment with practical shifts in activities, responses, and boundaries specific to the buckets that need tending. You’ll practise saying no - and saying yes.

Staying the Course

Keeping your well-being at the top of your mind, maintain your positive changes by assessing your life buckets as your circumstances evolve. Prioritize self-care, and don't hesitate to reconnect with your counselor for ongoing guidance.

At Dear Eliza, we’re all about making your well-being a top priority. Virtual therapy is your passport to self-discovery, empowerment, and positive change. Start your journey with us today, and let’s fill your bucket with resilience, self-love, and endless possibilities. Your mental wellness matters. 💖🚀