Nurturing your mental health

Find out if you have ADHD and get Assessed Online

a counsellor doing assessment with person in clinic

Understanding ADHD

ADHD falls under the umbrella of neurodiversity, and can lead to symptoms that have the potential to affect various aspects of a person’s life. It can influence attention,  impulsivity, and focus. Many people who experience ADHD also struggle with mood disorders (such as depression and anxiety), low self-esteem, chronic stress, and addictive behaviours. Everyone experiences ADHD differently, despite common themes and overlaps in symptoms. If you have ADHD, you will experience a unique constellation of symptoms that are specific to you and may look different from the next person with ADHD.

The Impact of ADHD

ADHD’s impact extends beyond attention and impulsivity. Procrastination, difficulty focusing, poor time management, and difficulty completing tasks can also plague an individual with ADHD. It can also negatively impact relationships, contribute to difficulty regulating emotions, and impact motivation and drive. On the other hand, individuals with ADHD often have sparks of creativity, remain focused on a task that they are interested in, and generate ideas faster than others. It is important to recognize the blessings that accompany ADHD, and to harness these while managing the more difficult symptoms.

Getting Assessed for ADHD

Participating in an assessment for ADHD is often the first step individuals take towards accepting that this is a part of their lives. The Assessment process involves having a structured conversation with a practitioner who will lead you through a series of questions about your experiences with ADHD, in relation to your work, school experience, relationships, family, and current symptoms. It is important to note that an assessment is not the same as a diagnosis. An assessment is necessary to receive a diagnosis from your physician or a psychologist. Part of the assessment will involve clarifying your constellation of symptoms, which will then be used to collaborate on a treatment plan. This may or may not include medication, coaching, or counselling.

How Counselling can help

Addressing Negative Emotions

Counselling helps manage shame, self-judgement, fear, and disappointment associated with ADHD.

Improving Emotional Regulation

It aids in working through emotional regulation challenges and improving communication with loved ones about ADHD.

Unlearning Negative Narratives

Counselling assists in shedding unhelpful narratives like being labeled as lazy or uncaring, which may have developed over time.

Recognizing ADHD Strengths

It helps individuals identify and leverage the unique strengths of ADHD, transforming it into a positive force in their lives.

Meet our team

Cost of Assessment is $500.00 CAD + tax.

What’s included in the cost of the Assessment:

1 Complementary Therapy Session

30-minute follow-up session

1.5 Hour Online Assessment

It's incredibly cliche, but the first step in counselling really is awareness. You have to understand and know what it is you're dealing with before you can make any sort of change. Getting curious and asking questions to better understand what you're going through will help you and your counsellor decide which tools are most appropriate to use for your situation. If you need to tile a floor, you're not going to use a screwdriver!